Tuesday, 25 August 2009
WOW: A letter of recommendation

Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Letter Layers works! littlies and biggies love it!
Thanks to both boys - to be honest they loved it! Once kids are in front of a camera they love to perform!
Monday, 17 August 2009
Great game to get kids writing #3
Hello it's me again Magic - I'm really excited because today the Coen family ( the people who have made this game for me) are letting me loose! You can join me to learn a really important movement to help you with your handwriting. Play the film above and learn the "up and over" movement. You use this movement for lots of letters. You can practice your up and over movement anywhere! On a piece of paper, in the sandpit, in the mud :-) on your mummy and daddy's backs ( get them to do it on your back too!). I hope you have fun with this game. Let me know what you think!
The next game is for children at Level 3 who are starting to hear sounds at the beginning and end of words and are becoming more confident at linking letters to the sounds they make but can not write them.
The next game is for children at Level 1 again. It's called My sandwich sounds! Do you like sandwiches? What sort of sandwich would a queen eat? Have a think and we'll see you soon!